Tactics 4 Toddlers

12:00 AM Thursday, 1st January 1970

“The Space” William Clarke College (across the road from The Children’s Doctor)

A panel of experts will lead a night of information and discussion about children’s behaviour and temperament. We will be tackling the tricky issues including:

  • * Building a healthy relationship with your toddler
  • * Maximising your child’s development – social, physical and emotional
  • * Positive communication and the difference it makes
  • * Encouraging independence and empowering your child
  • * Tantrums, discipline and the most effective ways to respond when your child is exhibiting unwanted behaviours.

There will be plenty of time for questions throughout the night. If you have specific questions, send them in advance to :reception@thechildrensdoctor.com.au

Tactics 4 Toddlers

“The Space” William Clarke College (across the road from The Children’s Doctor)

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